世界一の製作技術を誇る弦楽器のメッカ/イタリア・クレモナにおきまして、 日本イタリア協会は世界最高の技術を誇るバイオリン製作者(修復者)との直接のコラボレーションによる特別提携育英支援活動を開始いたしました。
バイオリン、ビオラ、チェロ、コントラバスなど、クレモナのすべての弦楽器や 世界最高クラスの弓との出逢い、そして楽器調整やケア、補修、弓のヘアチェンジなどが必要な人のために、イタリア・クレモナまたは日本在住の優秀な製作技術者との提携により、アーティストを支援指導します。
アーティスト (プロ~(学生〜児童)若者演奏家〜その家族) コレクターの方々が、
【問い合わせ】日本イタリア協会“MusicArte” - Supporting Programs
■Mail address: info@nipponitalia.com
■Phone: 075 466 5505
■Fax: 075 466 5510
■URL: nipponitalia.com
Spring 2021
Young Artists New Supporting Program 2021
Violins, violas, cellos, life-long musician`s best friends...
Dear artists, the Associazione Italo-Giapponese “MusicArte”, after nearly 100 years history, is happy to announce another form of assistance to our artists, this time to all string players. We have now matured the direct collaboration with the greatest violin makers and restorers in Italy and in Japan and for anyone in need to buy or sell an instrument or a bow, adjust or set a violin, viola or cello, rehear a bow, we can direct the students to the right person, here in Japan or in Italy. We have started this also as a protective measure towards Japanese students and their families to make sure they deal with professional and honest people. The purchase of an instrument and bow as well as its maintenance is a very delicate matter. Do contact the Associazione Italo-Giapponese “MusicArte” if you need our free assistance, we have Italian experts ready to help each one of you. We want to enhance the career and the safety of our musicians making sure they acquire the instrument right for them, from professional Italian luthiers, at an honest price, well certified, while being sure to receive a full support also after the acquisition. Furthermore, we have matured special agreements with Cremona to assist also our youngest players who can now order small size violins, violas and cellos with a special plan which allows them to move gradually towards the full-size instrument paying only once at the beginning. All instruments, including the smaller ones, are hand-made in the ancient Cremona tradition and come with certifications signed by the makers. This is a superb service which allows young player to play immediately with good sounding Italian instruments. We are happy to offer clear and more detailed information to anyone. We speak Japanese, Italian, English.
For information contact us at:
Associazione Italo Giapponese “MusicArte” - Supporting Programs
■Mail address: info@nipponitalia.com
■Phone: 075 466 5505
■Fax: 075 466 5510
■URL: nipponitalia.com